Thursday, May 8, 2008


Recital information:

RECITAL DRESS REHEARSAL: Attention Parents: Dress rehearsal is scheduled Friday May 16. at the Greenup County High School. This is a Dress Rehearsal, all costumes are to be worn.
Students in Ballet only should be there by 5:00pm. All Mixed Classes should be there by 5:45pm.
1st half Saturday night should be there by 6:30pm and 2nd half Saturday night should be there by 7:15pm Friday night. 1st half Sunday afternoon should be there by 8:00pm and 2nd half Sunday afternoon should be by 8:30pm Friday night.

Recital will be held Saturday May 17, 6:00pm & Sunday May 18, 2:00pm at the Greenup County High School. Students in Ballet only should be at the High School by 5:15pm Saturday night.

1st half should be at the High School by 5:45pm. 2nd half should be there by 7:15pm.
Recital Sunday May 18. 2:00pm.

Students in Ballet only should be at the High School by 1:15pm Sunday Afternoon.
1st half should be at the High School by 1:45pm. 2nd half should be there by 3:15pm.

Parents of participating Students only will receive free admission at the door, If All Prior Studio balances are Paid in Full. Guest Passes are available at $5.00 each.

All Monthly Fee's, Costumes and Competitions Fee's must be paid in full this week in order to participate in Recital. Classes continue 1 week after Recital.

Studio closed last week of May.


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